Guiding Principles
The Rathkeale Community Council advocates on behalf of the community, petitions for support, organises projects and events that rejuvenate Rathkeale. It is a charity with a volunteer board elected by local people. It adopted this set of Guiding Principles – 19 Apr 23 at a meeting on 19 April 2023.
Rathkealers must want change. It cannot be forced upon them so approach accordingly.
We can’t just look at competing towns and say we will do it better. We must understand our competition and do it differently.
Core values, vision and mission are the embodiment of the organisation’s fundamental promise to its stakeholders.
Strategy and culture are among the primary levers at top leaders’ disposal in their never-ending quest to maintain organisational viability and effectiveness. Strategy offers a formal logic for the Rathkeale Community Council’s goals and orients people around them. Culture expresses goals through values and beliefs and guides activity through shared assumptions and group norms.
Core Values
- Honesty, trustworthiness, and integrity – first and foremost.
- Determination where success or failure are not final and the courage to continue counts.
- A continuous improvement mindset is better than delayed perfection.
- Focus on the present (not the past) to create a better future, asking why not?
- Dream big, work hard, stay focused and surround ourselves with good people.
- Giving respect to get respect.
- Recognize and act upon problems before they become emergencies.
- Passionate about the things we care about. Not stressed by the things we don’t.
- All and any opinions, seeking out those of unrepresented groups (e.g. youth, immigrants.)
- If we argue it is to discover what is right, not who is right.
- A community of sheep is used by wolves.
A vibrant thriving Rathkeale where positive experiences make people want to live, shop and visit.
- We make positive things happen for people including (1) the residents of Rathkeale, (2) affiliated organisation leaders, (3) allied property owners, and (4) committee members, where 1, 2, 3… represents ranked importance in the event of a conflict.
- We maintain a Learning Culture, continually searching for innovative and compelling ways to improve Rathkeale and delight our stakeholders.
- We deliver a positive Rathkeale experience as our brand promise and product.
- We maintain a psychologically safe environment where no one is punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes.
- We recognise that Rathkeale Champions who deserve our support may not be members of our organisation.
- We are transparent, publishing records and communicating 4+ times per year with the public.
- We maintain an annual Rathkeale Area Plan with cost estimates, so our wish list is always current.
- We proactively publicise good news, especially involving Travellers.
- We keep abreast of national and global trends, highlighting them annually for the community.
- First: Use proven methods of effective leadership, strategic decision-making, change management, project management, digital transformation and developing agile organisations.
- Maintain a high level of trust.
- Engage all constituents in the community including Travellers, property owners, <60s, youth, etc.
- Bring people together, building a network of interpersonal relationships [clubs, societies, businesses]
- Prioritize retail economy, increasing inflow of revenue to attract more products and services.
- Build political support.
- Encourage and facilitate digital transformation.
- Maintain a war chest of €20,000+.
- Empower project managers with funds, facilities, training, and prestige.
- Build and maintain a rank of volunteers, including settled, Travellers, male, female, young and old.
- Publicize Rathkeale as a safe, enjoyable, place to be using mainstream and social media.
- Always display utility in public without shying from debating issues in private.
- Acquire and use already allocated government Traveller funds for the entire community.
- Campaign for high occupancy that comes with year-around residents.
- Use the expected Foynes to Limerick Road (Adare Bypass) as an attractive element.
- Form a single organisation of people who get things done and leaders of key representative organisations such as the Rathkeale Community Council, Team Rathkeale, Rathleale Together.
- Encourage and facilitate destination retail department stores/hubs/one-stop-shops.
- Anticipate hostile influencers (e.g. some journalists, politicians) with contingency plans.
- Increase the number of year-round resident families.
- Hire a consulting Societal Change Process expert.
- Pay all bills, including volunteer out-of-pocket expenses, within 15 days of approved claim.
- Support people who act (not just talk) in Rathkeale’s favour.
- Publicly reward volunteers who make Rathkeale a better place to be every year.
- Document Rathkeale’s positioning statement with proof-points.
- Maintain audit-worthy records, especially financial transactions.
- Out compete other towns in Limerick for LCCC infrastructure resources, winning more than before.
- Reduce littering throughout the downtown area.
Adoption: The Rathkeale Community Council that included Team Rathkeale, on 19 April 2023.
© April 2023 by the Rathkeale Community Council. Amended 19/5/23.